Industrial Ozone Solutions

Industrial Solutions
Using Ozone in Fisheries
In fish farming, it is important to disinfect the environment in which fish live. In the absence of a suitable environment, fish become infected with the disease or are late in development, and in some cases lead to their death.
Disinfection and cleaning can be provided in the entire facility by disinfecting surfaces, fish cases, personnel items, product packages with ozonated water in such a way that they do not leave residues in fish-grown pools with ozonation. In addition, ozonated ice product retains its freshness for up to 12 – 13 days in fish storage and transportation.

Using Ozone in Food Production and Storage Facilities
In food production facilities, hygiene can be ensured without leaving any residue by using ozonated water. In addition, the shelf life of foods increases up to 2 times. It is very important that staff working in food plants are sterile. Disinfection of hands and feet at the entrance, disinfection of surfaces of tools such as cutlery, knives, spoons can be done with ozonated water
It is also effective in removing pesticide (pesticide residue) found on vegetables and fruits. Ozone is applied to vegetables and fruits bacteria, mold, and fungi to prevent the formation of shelf life is possible to extend up to 2 times. Ozone is used in food storage to prevent and destroy bacteria and pests in the air.

Using Ozone in The Pool
In Europe and America, disinfection of pools is carried out with the application of ozone, and chlorine is completely banned in some regions. Chemicals in pools do not have a harmful and permanent effect. By ozonating pools, the use of chemicals can be reduced by 70% -80%. It minimizes maintenance costs with ease of Use and continuous autonomous application.
By disinfecting our pool with ozone gas, it removes odor and turbidity in the water. In addition, the conversion of ozone gas to oxygen again increases the oxygen ratio along with the quality of the water. It destroys viruses, fungi, spores and bacteria in a very short time and most effectively without leaving any residue.

Using Ozone in Red Meat and Slaughterhouses
The strength and shelf life of meat washed with ozonated water increases. In addition, hygiene can be ensured by washing the tools and equipment used in the slaughterhouse with ozonated water.
The most important problem in terms of the strength of red meat is to prevent and destroy the formation of salmonella and Listeria bacteria. Manufacturers use chlorine to protect against these bacteria. But chlorine forms THM and Tri-Halomethane over a certain period of time. These substances contain very high levels of carcinogenic substances. In addition, chlorine distorts the surface color of the meat, leaving the manufacturer in a difficult situation. In these products washed with ozone, the strength of meat increases up to 45 days. There is no discoloration and no residue remains. By using ozone gas in packaging, bacteria are prevented from reproducing again. In this way, the shelf life of the products increases.

Using Ozone in Water Dispensers and Water Tanks
All companies use ozone gas in the sterilization of drinking water and in the production of natural water. Sterilization of drinking water is carried out with ozone gas. After sterlization, it returns to oxygen and leaves no residue. The application of ozone gas in drinking and use Waters has been approved by TSE and published in the standards of TSE EN 1278. There are visible or invisible impurities, bacteria, viruses in water dispensers. These pests are sterilized with ozone, which is the most effective method.
Research has shown that 98% of water tanks threaten public health. This condition is caused by diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, stomach and eye infection. You can get rid of all these pests by sterilizing them with ozone in water tanks.

Using Ozone in Agriculture and Greenhouse
Because the air in greenhouses is very humid and hot, it lives very harmful in the environment.
Disinfection of plants and flowers in the greenhouse sector can be done with chemicals, solar energy, hot steam and ozone.
Solar power method and hot steam method are very expensive and do not provide full effective protection. Chemical disinfection method is banned in many countries of Europe and America. This method threatens human health. For this reason, ozone is the most effective method.
In 2000, the FDA (World Health Organization) and the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) approved ozone for both irrigation and ventilation.

Using Ozone in Poultry
Chicks grow healthier with ozone gas. Its biggest advantage is that it does not have a carcinogenic effect and does not leave residues. Compared to other methods, it stands out for being economical and effective. Salmonella, which also acts on the shelf life of meat, completely destroys and purifies E-coli bacteria. With the application of ozone in production farms, animals are fed healthily, so that drug, vaccine, material damage such as death can be prevented.
The application of ozone can extend the shelf life of eggs. In order not to shrink from moisture loss, approximately 90% moisture is needed in the sections where the eggs are stored.