UVC Disinfection Systems

UVC Disinfection
UVGI disinfection and air cleaning solutions with UVC products.
Enclosed spaces are an important part of city life. We have to breathe the same air as many different people in places In our daily life such as public transport, educational institutions, workplaces, meeting centers, etc. Epidemics are spreading faster with this interaction. Epidemics such as Corona and influenza are generally spread through the air. Ventilation systems is increase this spread. By using UVC products in ventilation (HVAC) systems, the spread of airborne outbreaks and viruses can be reduced.
Ventilation and air conditioning systems take infected and dirty air in the environment and pass it through the filter and give it back to the same environment. Viruses with a size of 20 to 90nm cannot hold any filters. This situation increases the spread of epidemics. UVC products are applied to ventilation ducts, fancoil outlets and central air conditioners, ensuring that the air entering the environment is free from viruses such as corona.
With UVGI solutions, measures can be taken to reduce the spread of epidemics. Solutions are offered for safe buildings and cities where you can breathe comfortably using the right product and the right technology against the corona virus, which is common in the final process.

How does UVC technology remove viruses and bacteria?
The absorption of a UV photon by the DNA of microrganisms causes a destruction of a link in the DNA chain, and consequently the inhibition of DNA replication.
The germicidal effects of the UV-C radiation destroy DNA of Bacteria, Viruses, Spores, Fungi, Molds and Mites avoiding their growth and proliferation.

Virus and bacteria tests and results obtained with UVC technology.
Thanks to many international tests, UVC rays have been proven to destroy pests such as bacteria, viruses, mold fungi. Viruses and bacteria differ in their resistance to UVC light. While the SARS-Corona virus can be destroyed by low doses with UVC products, viruses such as hepatitis are up to 3 times more resistant.

Advantages of choosing Pakozon UVC solutions.
Pakozon uses European origin UVC lamps. The products used are guaranteed a lifetime of 18000 hours. Because the lamps are specially coated, they are strong against breakage, shock and dust. Pakozon provides you with the most accurate and effective solutions by doing all the calculations for your project's UVGI system. Pakozon offers all solutions including project design, exploration and application.

How to design uvgi solutions with UVC products.
UVC radiation should be applied in sufficient doses and with appropriate design to destroy the target pest. For this project, the target microorgasnism and logarithmic factor, geometric placement and distance, duration and UVC power are calculated.
The reduction of microbial load is a fundamental value in disinfection and is expressed logarithmically. A good disinfection level of about 2Logs (99%) is considered a very good disinfection standards of 3logs (99.9%) or 4Logs (99.99%).

Misconceptions about UVC technology
Q: Are UVC products used in human presence?
A: UVC products should not be used directly in a human environment. UVC lights are harmful and carcinogenic in contact with the eye or skin.
Q: Do UVC products produce ozone?
A: Yes UVC products produce ozone. For this reason, the products should be 253.7 nm. At this value, ozone production is almost non-existent.
Q: Is the UVC light blue?
A: UVC lights are colorless. Blue light only occurs when UVC light is produced. Not every blue light can produce UVC lights.
Q: How UVC products are used in HVAC systems.
A: it is used in ventilation systems by mounting channels or inside central air handling units.
Q: How to design UVGI sytems in ventilation systems?
A: Calculations are made according to logarithmic values and these values are checked with our special software at the end of the project. All outputs and inputs are shared with the customer as a project. You have to be careful that these accounts are made.